
Varón in her studio
studio 2008.JPG

Corinne Varón Green

Corinne Varón was born in Lima, Peru in the 1950s.  She attended the French-Immersion school Franco Peruano until she left for the US at age 17.  Knowing only Spanish and French, Corinne arrived to Boston where she was immersed in an English-only environment.  This cultural and linguistic shock prompted Corinne to develop keen observational and non-verbal communication skills, especially the visual language, which turned out to be critical for her survival in the northeastern United Sates. 

In 1976, painting becomes her primary medium and way of life when she moves into a large studio on in Cambridge, MA. It is in this space where she continued her work and studies, raised her daughter as a single mother and continued her untiring dedication to her art.

Even in her educational pursuits, Corinne Varón dedicated herself to art and its imprint on the self. She holds a Doctorate Degree from Harvard University where she researched the correlation between Bilingualism, Art, and Cognition comparing “The Manifestation of the Self and Others in Children’s Drawings”. Her Master’s Degree from Lesley University explored how Teaching Bilingual Children with Moderate Special Needs using art as a medium of instruction was most effective. While earning her Bachelor’s Degree in Art History from Brandeis University, Varón’s undergraduate work explored printing and sculpting techniques, in addition to painting. Varón also received a diploma in Graphic Design from New England School of Art and Design and enrolled in various courses at Wentworth College to learn drafting and architectural rendering.

After 44 years in Boston and Cambridge, Massachusetts, in 2015 Varón moved to Costa Rica for ten years.  The extreme contrast of the blues, whites, and grays of the northern winter and the vibrant purples, greens and yellows of northwestern Costa Rica reignited Varón’s passion for color and mindfulness of ones surroundings - evident in the works produced throughout her continued residency in the country.  Currently, Varon lives in the Tampa area of Florida, USA.

What Corinne Varón has accomplished with her work is allowing the viewer to experience familiar settings with new eyes. Her paintings are scenes refracted through prisms. The incredible vibrancy of the colors capture ones’ attention, the sinuous lines draws one in, and her imaginative geometric shapes remind us that even the smallest details in the universe that surrounds us are deserving of reverie.

We hope you enjoy exploring the vast archive of five decades of Corinne Varon’s paintings, prints, drawings, needlepoints, embroidery, quilting and ironART works.  


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